National Park Products

„A slice of Adition”


National park directorates allow the use of the brand in their region by publishing invitations and judging the incoming applications handed in by those who operate in protected natural areas or natura 2000 areas.

A fundamental requirement for products is to be primarily made from local materials and ingredients, using plant or animal products foreign to the region and habitat to the smallest possible extent. A priority judging aspect is that the product shall appropriately represent the natural, landscape and cultural characteristics of the area by its quality, appearance or other exceptional attribute. it is also important that the applicant shall operate based on local traditions and characteristics, relying on the locally available workforce of the area. By all means it is essential for the product and its production to be in line with the principles of sustainable development. When awarding the use of the brand it is also important that the work of the applicant could be used as a model for other producers and service providers.

The National Park Product brand badge is graphically unified, but always includes the emblem of the corresponding directorate.

A priority objective of the creation of the brand is to extend the sales opportunities and market success of producers creating quality products in low quantities; for which an important element is the presence during events and the assistance of sale. for this purpose the branded products are not only directly available at the producer but can also be bought at the visitor centres of national park directorates and at various events. in addition to the introduction of branded products and producers, the website of national Park Products ( also contains more information on the complete brand system.

The brand system wants to show that in numerous cases the nature conservation efforts are not best served by defining a range of prohibitions and restrictions, but by the sustainable support of landscape and natural characteristics. this means that the most important aim of the brand is to provide distinguished attention and honour to all of those who base their operation on the foundation of respect of natural values. customers of national Park Products are therefore not only taking a slice of flavours, heritage and traditions of the area with them, but also have the pleasant feeling that their selection contributed to the preservation of natural values.

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