Research at Pentezug Reserve

Research at Pentezug Reserve


The Reserve offers excellent opportunity for researches. Both horses and cattle can be identified individually. The genetic examination of the horses is made in Davis Laboratory, University of California. With the genetic information in hand we can avoid the inbreeding in the population of both species, we can study the social behaviour of wild horses and can follow the migration of individuals between the family groups, and also  in the case of young males between the bachelor groups.

In addition to the ecological researches we also study the effect of large grazers on grassland ecosystem.

Both horses and cattle graze the area all year round and their movement are not manipulated by humans. We assume that their grazing effect is similar to that of their ancestors who lived here hundreds of years ago.

To support this idea with data we established regular data collection:

  • taking vegetation samples from 6 fix points from two different vegetation sites during 12 months per year
  • recording GPS coordinates of horses and cattle all year round
  • collecting samples for parasitology and condition point examination all year round (both horses and cattle)
  • collecting water samples for hydro-chemical studies from permanent and temporary water sources all year round
  • collecting aquatic vertebrates and invertebrates during vegetation period
  • studying Orthoptera species during vegetation period
  • studying Lepidoptera species during vegetation period
  • collecting owl pellets from 3 fix point to study small mammal species in the area
  • collecting temperature and rainfall data on daily basis all year round with the help of our small meteorological station

Our aim is to prove that this type of land management is beneficial for biodiversity. 


Small mammal identification from cleaned owl pellet

Horse parasite eggs under microscope

Lepidoptera monitoring

Lepidoptera monitoring

Orthoptera monitoring

Orthoptera identification on the field

Aquatic invertebrate collection

Vegetation sampling

Individual recognition of horses, group analysis

Field data collection with drones

Field data collection with drones



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